Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Only God.

Psalm 127

"Unless The Lord builds the house,
The builders labor in vain.
Unless The Lord watches over the city,
The guards stand watch in vain.

In vain you rise early
And stay up late,
Toiling for food to eat -
For he grants sleep to those he loves.

Children are a heritage from The Lord,
Offspring a reward from him.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in ones youth.

Blessed is the man
Whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
When they contend with their opponents in court."

I have such a bad tendency of picking up all these responsibilities and putting extra stress on myself. But whatever I'm doing, if I am building up something for myself, it's never gonna work. Everyday is a battle between the self. I feel like with all the things are happening in life, as much as I tell God I want to cling on to him, I start to resort to my own strength failing to realize only God grants anything to those he loves.

I've been feeling a load of stress lately because I have too many things on my plate once again. It's causing me to e anxious, it's hard for me to focus, and I get headaches because of it. I'm not doing any good to myself but at the same time, I ask why I even do this to myself.

God, today I trust and commit this day unto you. With all the stress and work I'm putting myself through, it's in vain if you are not the center of it all. Only you grant me peace, only you can grab Ke rest, and only I can be blessed by You. So today, would you please guide me and help me every step of the way because I cannot do this on my own.

Friday, September 7, 2012

THIS is what Nyack is about.

I've been working at Nyack College for 11 months already and this morning, the director walks into the office and calls the admissions team and registrars office in for a prayer meeting. She said she couldn't sleep last night because she was so stressed out by the pressure of the goals we have to reach. Because we are stressed are in a bad mood, we serve our students in a bad way. There are many times, I get frustrated at the work environment, especially because we are Christian but don't act like it in the workplace. I get angry at the team I am apart of because many times, it seems like our focus is lost and we are focusing on the business aspect of everything instead of investing into the future students of the school.

Times like these make it worth it for me to work here because it brought the whole team back to it's original purpose and focuses us on who the real leader of this team is, which is Christ. He's the only one that can sustain us and help us in our stressful work environment. Hearing their honest prayers really blessed me and made my day and I hope that the leaders of the office will continue this all the time. One coworker says that they used to pray at the beginning of the day all the time in the office, but we've strayed a long way from it. After the small prayer time we had, I said to myself, "Now THIS is what Nyack is about." This is what truly keeps us holy and set apart.

During small group at night, we read Psalms 3 and verse 5 stuck out to me. "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."

God sustains us, always, even in the work place. Thank you, God.