Friday, May 24, 2013

Another Country VS the U.S.

One thing noticeably different after returning from another country: all my body parts were fine when I was away. I felt healthy, I could see clearly because I was not looking at technology all day, I didn't have many pains. The moment we arrived back to the airport in the US, I felt my shoulders stiffing up as if I were siting at an office desk all day. It's strange. And all of a sudden, my knees start hurting probably due to the changing weather. Definitely a very uncomfortable feeling.

Monday, May 13, 2013


God adopted us and took us to be part of his story. Wow.

The past couple of weeks, people keep reminding me that we are part of something bigger. The bigger picture is that we are part of Gods story. It's not about us.

God, would you show me what you are doing around me today and can I join you in what you are doing? 


Ever since I got just about every single one of my prayer requests answered, I've been so in awe of how crazy God is for doing such profound things in my life. God has been telling me through so many messages, though, that we are not living for ourselves. I thank God for blessing me, but he's reminding me that I'm just a small part of his ginormous plan. Whatever he's doing in my life is so minute compared to what he's doing in the world. Wow. I'm so blown away. 

Some points from the messages that stuck out to me:

- Speaker at HillsongNYC - 
What does it mean when Jesus redeems you and me? That means he purchased us. And guess what? Now he owns the right to your story and my story. I read the end of it, and we win! 

When God does something, it is a testimony that He is God. 

Wherever the ambassador steps, it's considered sovereign ground. We are not from this world, Christ sends us out as His ambassadors. Everywhere we step foot in, it is sovereign ground, it is kingdom ground. 

In order to inherit what is written on our parents will. Something has to happen. Our parents have to die. This is the last will of our Father and that's why we have to know His will. 

- David at Great Commission Church -
If Christ died for you, that means he died for such a great thing. If God killed his own son for you, what are you worrying about? This life is made for us to enjoy. 

- Pastor Chris Clayman at Ebenezer Mission Church - 
It is God's story and we are just simply a part of it as Gold unfolds. It's not just a part of our lives but it is our lives.

God is doing everything in and around you. God also wants ut to live that life. He doesn't need you but he chooses you.