This year, the goal is to be intentional about more things in life; to take initiative, to be proactive instead of reactive. Over time, I've allowed my circumstances and situations to rule over me which causes me to feel disabled and even hopeless. I'm tired of living like that. It's draining.
On New Years Eve, the church always has everyone pick verses out of a bag. My theme verse for the year is... "Romans 12:10 (NIV) -- Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."
On New Years Eve, the church always has everyone pick verses out of a bag. My theme verse for the year is... "Romans 12:10 (NIV) -- Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."
Since the other and I have been married, the quote that stuck out to me the most was to..."Outdo one another in love". That's what I've been trying to live by in our marriage, in good and bad times. Typically, I'm very used to reading the NIV, but during GKYM, someone read the whole chapter of Romans 12 but this time, in ESV. This is what Romans 12:10 says: "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Wow. I was encouraged when I received this.
My new years resolution for 2014 is:
- It's been quite difficult balancing finances with two people. Combining the different spending habits of two people has been a challenge, but through practice, I hope that we'll get this thing right. I'm tired of having money rule over me, I want to be in charge of my money. This week, I plan to come up with a monthly budget and make sure the hubby and I stick to it very strictly
Be intentional about contacting family members
- My family members have a bad habit and bad pattern of not calling each other. During my childhood, I can hardly recall a time where my parents called their parents just to ask how they are doing. I don't want that pattern to continue. Since I've been married, it's been rare that I call my parents just to say what's up, most of the time, it's because I need something. My parents, though, have been making an effort every so often just to call and see if everything's okay. I want to start making more of an effort to call my parents and my siblings more often just to show that we care. The same with David's parents. In the beginning when we got married, Davids parents told me to call them at least once a week. It's been 7 months and not once have I called them. I'm just not used to it. But, I should still make an effort.
This is just two for now. I had more in mind, but don't want to overwhelm myself with unrealistic goals.