Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self-Help Book

Yesterday was my official last day of internship with my client which means I'll officially have a master's degree. What a ride.

We ended on a really good note last night. I asked for her feelings of our counseling sessions coming to an end and she processed through all that's happened this year and how she's "not the same". Thens he referred to self-help books. She goes... those are all bogus. There's no possible way you can help yourself. Even as much as a person wants to think that they want to help themselves, it's not possible, that's just not the way we were made.

She referred to the scenario of a person who was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor's said that this person was uncurable. A couple of months later, the person was cancer-free.

In that example, one would think that this person did something that resulted in such type of healing. But that's impossible, there had to be an intervention and that is God. Even a more practical way of speaking, we want to solve our problems on our own, deal with our own emotions but the reality is that we were not made that way. We need people in our lives to walk with us and go through our pain and misery with us. We need people to help us grow and make us stronger.

So in regards to self-help book, that's stupid because no one can truly help themselves.


During this advent season, I gave messages on waiting. One thing that stood out to me as I was sharing was that I was really speaking to myself. The main idea:

Patience --> humility --> joy
Impatience --> pride --> bitterness

I've taken on the latter for many many months and it just made me continue to face what a prideful person I am.