The past three months have flown by like whoah. I've went through every emotion in the book. The beginning of the year started as a very tough season for me for a various amount of reasons but things have gotten better.
But on 1/25/16 - I got a new job at the hospital - the title is: Patient Access Liaison but the real word for it is, call center. It's a very easy brainless job but it's something I didn't mind taking because it was referred by a good friend in which now I get to see everyday, although I'm getting paid very little, I get to work on a computer where there's some downtime and I don't have to see patients so it's not as demanding as my church job, and the commute is amazing, it's a total of 30 minutes one way including finding parking. And if I was being dropped off, then I could leave my house 20 minutes prior to start time and still be on time. I haven't experienced that in forever! I get home at 5:30 and get to play with the baby for a good amount of hours before he goes to bed. I don't know how long I see myself here for, there's a lot of cons at this job, but it'll do for now. I don't know I'm ready to commit to another demanding job yet because I'm doing so much at church already.
It's interesting because I prioritize church and have been revolving all my schedules around church duties. I accepted this job so that I can focus more on my church stuff even though I know I can find a job that is more related to my field and learn things that are more exciting and can challenge me in my degree. And I do so because God provided an opportunity where the other and I can serve together and be used in a capacity that challenges us and in a place where we feel like we are great fit in. Because it's ministry and God entrusted us with it, I probably will continue to prioritize this because I'll be here regardless of working here or not.
Mondays have been my do nothing day. I've been watch "the Bachelor" with the other after work and have committed to doing no work after work. It's been nice and although I know I should be doing stuff, I need time to myself and Monday nights have been that day.
I've been pretty stressed and occupied with preparing for mission trip and there's a lot of in between things like events, sunday and friday messages and activities, retreats, baptism, preparing for teacher meetings, keeping pastors and deacons up to date and it just goes on and on and on, like nonstop. In addition, these kids go through so many issues and I'm so glad that they've been trusting me with their lives more but it's been hard to manage and the only thing I can do is to give it up to God and ask God to take care of them as I do whatever I can.
The baby has been growing so quickly and it's so exciting to watch him grow so far. He has a new milestone basically everyday and it's just such a joy to watch a baby grow. Living with the in-laws have been a blessing and there are many things that can cause me to look at things with negative eyes but when I really think about it, I have nothing to complain about because the baby's grandparents love him so dearly, are so supportive of me and the other of whatever we do and they literally are taking care of all of us in the family. It's bitter sweet only in the sense that the baby finds more comfort with grandma but there's no one to blame because she does everything for him and loves him like crazy. One thing I hope I'd be able to handle is baby getting spoiled. Disciplining him will be pretty hard considering the baby literally has her in the palm of his hands but by God's grace, everything will work out for His good.
Oh, I got a haircut with bestie a couple of weeks ago and I got layers for the first time in years. I've been cutting it straight for a while now because perhaps I thought it was going to be more even and it's better (no clue what the thought process was). But I got layers from this indian lady and I really like it. Now when I tie it in a bun and let it loose, it looks like I have nice waves, whereas before with my straight cut, I looked like a mess.
I think that's all I can think about for now.