Friday, June 10, 2016

Bad sleep

I've been having really bad sleep lately. Part of me can't wait until summer is over 
- summer missions 
- summer retreat
- serving opportunities
- new volunteer recruitments
- new training
- new curriculum
- new resources
- new students
So many things to think about and so little time. I'm excited but I'm stressed because I can't handle it all at once. Covering for the other this week while in Indonesia doesn't help.

I'm thinking about too many things at once which is causing to not depend on God for the help and the wisdom. I need God. He's providing me with these opportunities, in Christ I can do all things. God, please help me to know my boundaries and to know how to spend time with you as in doing your work. 

What to do.

I regularly talk to people in the youth group about their faith and their struggles. When I do, I go home always feeling so much burden but eagerness yet appreciation that God would use a person like me, not skilled, not enough knowledge to walk alongside with people. It drives me crazy because I wish I had the expertise in certain things but I just feel lacking in every aspect. I think to myself - would I give it all up to do this for them fill time and be there for them? Absolutely. They are worth every single minute. To see that I have even a small step in their lives to lead them just a little closer to Christ or have them still in faith even after they go on to college, wow. Why would God use such a person like me? 

Then I think to myself, why don't I just give it all up. And in the practical sense, there are so many reasons why I am obtaining another job or am aspiring to obtain another job, but what am I to do, God? I need help.