Friday, May 6, 2011

God, I trust your promise..

“And I remember lying down on the ground in that moment - all of a sudden the room fills with this glorious light. And I turn around to see what’s going on and there is Jesus. And He’s standing in front of me with this big grin and smile on His face.  And it was at that lowest point that He met me.  And He looks at me and He stretches out His hands and He puts them underneath me like this. And in the vision as I see Jesus, He looks at me and says this, ‘Dan, I love you, and I promise to carry you through this time.’ And from that day until this day, I’ve never had those thoughts again.”
“And that’s who Jesus is. He meets us at our lowest, and He can rescue us from the depths of us.  And He wants to give us life in the midst of the pain of life. And He meets us and He loves us and He wants to rescue us no matter what we’re going through.”

The whole article was very touching, but this part was speaking out to me. Though I never experienced anything this guy went through, for some reason, I felt like I'm reading this at the right moment in time.

One prayer request I've been telling others recently: That God would direct my future with big neon signs to so I know which direction to walk in.

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