Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Challenge 2011

Being part of the Challenge Band was great. We've been playing for the past couple of years and it seems as if every years seems to be improving. The only downside about it was the physical drain. By the end of the retreat, I had no more energy and needed some major rest.

Tom Richter gave some great messages  throughout the conference. He definitely knows how to communicate and break the Bible down in a very easy to understand manner.

Here are some of the things he spoke about:
  • The Greatest Commandment
  • Matthew 13:44 -- Parable of the Hidden Treasure
    "God is not taking something FROM you, he's getting something TO you."
    "Girls always like to find a bargain, God is not one."
    Story of the pearl necklace... if it means so much to you...Tiffany necklace.
  • Romans 3:10 -- "There is no one righteous, no not one."
    If you worship worthless things, you become worthless.
    Righteousness = Perfection
  • The Corinthian Grid -- What does the Bible say about...?
    Things are bad, Christ is hope.

    1. I Corinthians 8:9-13; Mark 9:42
    Principle: Do not cause others to stumble.
    Application: Does this cause others to stumble?

    2. I Corinthians 6:12a, 10:23-24; Galatians 6:8
    Principle: Do things that will profit my relationship with Christ
    Application: Does this profit my relationship with Christ?

    3. I Corinthians 6:12
    Principle: Do not allow yourself to be mastered by anything except Christ.
    Application: Could this master me and get me in its control?
    OR Could I be totally content without this in my life?

    4. I Corinthians 9:19, 22-23a; 10:33
    Principle: Do all things for the sake of reaching others with Christ.
    Application: Does this help or hinder me reaching others with Christ?

    5. I Corinthians 10:31
    Principle: Do everything for the glory of God.
    Application: Does this glorify God?

    6. I Corinthians 6:18; Mark 9:43-47
    Principle: Do not put yourself in situations of obvious temptation.
    Application: Does this tempt me against God’s will?
  • John 12:1 -- We all worship.
    "I always wanted my daughter to be a respectable Christian but not a real one."
    You already are responsible for living right, let's live smart about it.
The more I think and pray about my future, I'm so lost and stuck but at the same time, I really know what I want. That's for a whole different blog.

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