Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Search & Confess, Realize He's Close

Challenge Reunion 2011.

Loved Tom Richter's message yesterday.
Psalm 139 -- Search and confess. But that's not it, realize how close He is to you.

Time and time again, average Christians go through spiritual ruts, go on retreats, get spiritual highs, come back a week later, crash and relive the same routine life they promised not to live when recommitting themselves to Christ. The reason is because they actually read the bible and prayed at those retreats, and when they come back, they don't. No wonder hardships come back.

Psalm 139 tells us to search our heart and confess. And we can do that over and over again to try to feel God, but our faith is much more than a feeling. Satan wants us to waste most of our lives wondering how close and how far we are from God. James 4 says, "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you."

A lot of times, people say, "I want to get closer to God." What do people mean by that? God's already close to you. When we actually realize the truth of how close God is already to us, then we can just live it out and take that step. It's not a matter of feeling or not feeling because God's already close to us. Now, how does that change how we live each day? We don't need to shout to get God's attention, he's right here. Just be honest with him and watch him transform our lives.

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