Monday, September 12, 2011

Survival Will?

Over the past couple of weeks, I've mentioned to some people that I have a low sense of survival will. Reason being is because all these action movies I've been watching signify people who are willing to go great lengths to protect their lives and make sure they live, even if they are the last man standing. There are so many true stories about it also. Everytime I watch movies or hear stories, it makes me think and then I think that I would never be able to do that. I would never struggle hard enough to make sure I live if I have to always be on the lookout for my life, escaping from bad people, or if the world is ending, I would scrape every corner of a room to try to look for food. Bruce said that it's human nature/instinct to survive, my body wouldn't allow me to just sit there and die. But I just thought because I'm so weak, I have no strength to save myself, I'll just let myself do so.

There was a minor earthquake a couple of weeks ago and I was in room studying and Bruce and Sasha were in another room. The moment everything started shaking, they ran into the room I was in and was wondering why I didn't panic. I just sat there with my book in my hand. Bruce kept saying, let's go let's go. And I kept questioning him, why? Because if the building collapsed, it would harm the people outside, so might as well just stay inside. I know, I know, stupid reasoning.

The other day, the professor was reminding us about 9/11. There were so many people who survived from that tragedy because they made sure they ran. Then I thought about it again: If I was in the building on that day, I probably would've made a run for it as fast as possible also.

It made me think twice, because I guess if I was put into a situation where things like this happen, I probably would do my best to live. We only live one life, there's no way I would just sit there and let myself die.

... My mind thinks such weird things lol.

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