Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's the Little Things that Count

The other night, David and I started reading "Preparing for Marriage" by John Piper. Recently, I've been nagging him to read these things with me even though he doesn't care much for it but it means a lot to me that we are on the same page and learning together, especially in terms of marriage. Finally we had some time and read a little bit of it.

"The goal is to outdo one another in giving what the other wants. Both of you, make it your aim to satisy each other as fully as possible." (Page 32)

It makes me glad to see that David is willing to do these little things with me because to me, it's really important. Not only that, yesterday, he applied that quote above. Yesterday, David was spending his day studying and preparing for things. I, on the other hand, was at work. David took my lunch break with me and after break, I realized I forgot to do something that I've been meaning to do but keep forgetting. I begged David to do me a big favor and in the beginning he was hesitant but finally he gave in and said yes. I asked him to mail something for me at the post office to the Philippines because it was urgent. He did not know where the post office was but he went anyway. The one we googled together said it was right around the block but apparently it was a federal building. When he got in, he got everything checked before entering the building which took forever and all he wanted to do was go into the post office. By the time he got to the post office, they said that it was not a full service post office. He got pretty frustrated but he decided to walk to a different post office a couple more blocks down. It was freezing outside and I could imagine how annoyed he could've been because I was using his precious time to do this measly errand for me. Anyway, by the time he reached the other post office, he had to wait in line forever and basically, he had to go through hell in order to get those two books sent to the Philippines.

After work, we were walking to the car and he was sharing with me the journey he went through and both of us were laughing about how ridiculous it was. One thing that I really appreciated was that he acted out in patience and love and did not get angry at me even though I'm the one who put him through all that trouble. It just wasn't his day but he handled it and dealt with it very well. Little or big things like that warms my heart.

David does a lot of little things for me whether he knows it or not or whether I realize it or not. Those little things do make me feel loved and appreciated and that fulfills a lot of my needs. I hope in the future, we continue to go out of our way to outdo one another in giving what the other wants.

PS: Eunice sent me this link about the story of Ian and Larissa from the DesiringGod site. So heartwarming and encouraging. Love is not easy, love is a commitment and they are definitely demonstrating that daily.

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