Friday, March 8, 2013

Faith VS. No Faith

We were asked to read half of the book of Matthew this past week and the topic prayer and faith had stuck out to me those. One of the reasons why it stuck out to me was because the week prior, one of them said that he realized we’ve all been praying wrong. The Bible says pray as if you have already received it.

While I was reading, I jotted down verses that indicated a person who had faith versus a person who did not have faith. I also jotted down other versus I thought was interesting.

8:3 – FAITH – man with leprosy – “If you are willing…. I am willing.”
8:5 – FAITH – Roman officer – “Just say the word.”
8:14 – HEALED through the faith of others – Sick mother in law – “Jesus touched her hand.”
8:16 – HEALED through the faith of others – “Demon possessed people brought to Jesus.”
8:25 – NO FAITH – disciples – “Lord save us! We’re going to drown.”
8:31 – interesting – “If you case us out, case us in a eard of pigs.”
9:2 – HEALED through the faith of others – paralyzed man – “Seeing their faith…”
9:7 – interesting – Jesus just said, “Stand up!”
9:14 – NO FAITH – John’s disciple asked about fasting.
9:18 – FAITH – “You can bring her back to life again.
9:21 – FAITH – “If you can just touch his robe, I will be healed.”
9:23 – NO FAITH – funeral music
9:28 – FAITH – “Do you believe?” “Yes Lord, we do.”
9:32 – Demon possessed man couldn’t sleep, healed.
9:38 – FAITH – Pray to the Lord who is in charge and ask him.
10:13 – You can take back your blessing from unworthy homes (lol)
10:20 – Don’t worry about what to say, right word and right time.
11:20 – If people don’t repent after prayers are answered, God’s not coming back.
12:13 – Just to prove to Pharisees he could do good on Sabbath, he healed shriveled hand man.
12:22 – Blind and mute demon possessed man, healed.
12:25 – Jesus knows our thoughts
12:38 – Teacher, we want to see a sign from you… never ask for one!

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