Thursday, April 11, 2013


Over the past two weeks, the first word that typically comes to mind when someone asks me how I'm doing is: EXHAUSTED. I feel extremely exhausted. Mainly because of working in a totally new environment, learning all these new things for the job and understanding new lingo. On a daily basis, there's too much information to absorb that by the end of the work day, I just want to sleep. Nonetheless, I'm so grateful that the team is so welcoming, everyone has the patience to teach and I'm picking things up slowly but surely. This has been taking a toll on everything else in life, though, and I just need God's strength to pull through, especially pull through with wedding planning as well as finishing the rest of the semester well. There are SO many things I needed to accomplish in my head and it was causing me to be more exhausted so I wrote it down so I least I can get it out of my mind. After writing it down, I look at it, and I'm thinking, man it's taking me too long to finish this list, gah! I'm taking the least amount of credits I've ever taken in my AGSC career but I feel the most exhausted in this season of my life. God is great, I thank him everyday for blessing me so much, now I just need to learn how to balance all of it.

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