Friday, October 24, 2008

In His Time.

"For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised." [Hebrews 10:36 (Amplified Bible)]

On Tuesday, 10/21, I was in school waiting to return a laptop. The line was so long, there was a shortage of workers, and it was just taking up too much of my time. I started tapping my feet and getting a little impatient.

Nichonar was standing next to me and said, "you need to be patient".
I said, "Well it's wasting my time and I'm going to get to class late."
He said, "You got to wait on God's timing instead of yours. Hebrews 10:36," and so he whooped out his pocket Bible and showed to me.
I said, "Haha, funny, God's timing is going to get me to class late"

It was something like that. But I just disregarded it and went along and did my own thing.

Later on during the day I was rushing somewhere, and George was walking extremely slow. I told him I like to get from place to place quickly, we're business people in a business world, I'm impatient. Everything he was doing was slow. He was thinking slow, walking slow, and it got me quite impatient because he was just taking too long. so I said George, you're taking too long, and he said something about being more patient. It was just small talk.

By the end of the day, around 6PM, Richard texts me and said "Patience and perserverance is key this week. Gluck studying."

Right away, something hit me and I was like, wtheck? Richard hasn't seen me or talked to me for a couple of weeks and that's the first text he sent me. Something must be going on. I must be crazy impatient. That was the end of it for the day, I just let it be and knew that I should be more patient.

On Thursday, 10/23, I went to 7:30AM IVCF Prayer Meeting. We were asked to for everyone to circle around and share something because that's something tha thasn't been done for a while.
It was funny because for that week I wasn't thinking too much, I didn't have much on my mind and I was just doing things to get things done. I didn't have much to blog about or post which is odd because on a weekly basis I always want to write about something but never have enough time to write about it, so it lays there, piled up in my forgetful train of thoughts. I was thinking really hard about what to share; nothing was really bothering me and severely striked me as of late. People were going around; some sharing very encouraging stories, others, about things they had to work on.

Finally the topic of patience popped into mind, so I decided to share, but what more about patience. God, you must've spoken to me about something this week. I know I learned something crazy this week. Help me out here.

So it started off like this;
I realize I am a very impatient person. Impatient in the sense that I don't like to wait for things to happen, I want it to happen soon.

Waiting for a laptop on a school line, I can't stand it, it takes way too long.
People walking way too slow or thinking too slow, it gets me just a little tense, I need to get to my destination and I want to get there quick.
Last but not least, I realized God is trying to teach me patience while waiting on souls to be saved.

The past month I've been extremely grateful for my friends to even STEP IN to a church building. It makes me so excited and happy that souls that I've been praying for have took action even if it is for the wrong motive. It just makes me glad to see that they don't mind being around this environment and they are not too much against it. Even if I don't see them change or see them realize that God is good, it still makes me glad that they are accepting what I believe in, well sort of, because they don't really care. But that's something else.

The past month gave me hope; that hope to know that God never fails me and I just have to hold onto his promises. It's hard because I know that he will bring my friends to him, but when? Because it's taking forever. The fact that my friend who never enters church for 10 years but just for once a year events, and another friend who comes to see her friends even if it is in a church building makes me know that I shouldn't give up, keep going, keep enduring, have patience and God will definitely work for the good of those who love Him.

God's tell me I have to be patient when doing His work and I have to do things in His timing and not mine. My feelings will never bring me far, but His plans will; but until then, I must presevere using God's strength because I cannot do this on my own.

"The Hebrews badly needed both conviction and perseverance to meet and overcome their problems. These virtues go hand in hand, and they really cannot be separated because we operate on a different concept of time than does God. Compared to God, we operate on fast time. Almost everything in our lives seems to have to be done or received right now, or faith begins to evaporate and we lose heart. True faith, though, operates in a rhythm closer to what God does because, due to conviction, it is more in tune with Him.
Therefore, a convicted person not only believes that what God says is true, but he also trusts and willingly endures trials in an attitude of realistic hopefulness. He does not restlessly complain to God to fix things right away on his schedule. A person develops conviction by thoughtfully processing a great deal of God's truth and yielding to the evidence He provides."

Then, when I receive His promise, I will be the most JOYFUL person in the world. You have no idea.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

God said is, and BANG it happened.

This is my Bible Study prep//disregard it - no need to read it.

Questions like 1) Why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible,
2) What about cavemen?
3) What should you do in class if the teacher starts talking about how the world began?

We're going to learn how to answer questions like these using our number one source , The Bible, which we depend on for all the answers.

[Chapter 1]
Why Begin at the Beginning?

What do you think about the phrase: Everything has a Beginning. Is it true?

Stories, People, and Stuff do.

What about the universe?

Every effect has a cause.

If that's not true, then either, 1) You don't exist
2) You have always existed
3) You created yourself.

Think about the universe, if there was no effect, then, 1) The universe doesn't exist
2) The universe has always existed.
3) The universe created itself
OR 4) The first cause.

There has to be a "First Cause" because:
-Everything in the universe has a cause.

So either 1) The universe is the first cause or 2) God is.

God is the reasonable answer because he is only being who ever lived who is self existent.

Self existent: God has no beginning and therefore no cause. By definition, every efet must have a cause, but God is not an effect. He has always been and He will always be. God does not need outside support to exist. King David understood this when he wrote; "Before the mountains were created, before you made the earth and the world, you are God, without beginning or end. (Psalm 90:2)

So what if he's self existent and he is the beginning? What's the big deal? Why do we need to know this?
-You don't have to believe that the universe came here by accident or by chance.
- You can put your faith in a personal God rather than some kind of "impersonal force" or "cosmic energy."
-You can trust the Bible, because the Bible is the only "holy book" that correctly describes how the universe began.
-You can believe that God the First cause has unlimited capabilities, and that He chooses to use His power for your benefits and your future.

[Chapter 2]
So What's the Big Deal about God?