Saturday, October 18, 2008

God said is, and BANG it happened.

This is my Bible Study prep//disregard it - no need to read it.

Questions like 1) Why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible,
2) What about cavemen?
3) What should you do in class if the teacher starts talking about how the world began?

We're going to learn how to answer questions like these using our number one source , The Bible, which we depend on for all the answers.

[Chapter 1]
Why Begin at the Beginning?

What do you think about the phrase: Everything has a Beginning. Is it true?

Stories, People, and Stuff do.

What about the universe?

Every effect has a cause.

If that's not true, then either, 1) You don't exist
2) You have always existed
3) You created yourself.

Think about the universe, if there was no effect, then, 1) The universe doesn't exist
2) The universe has always existed.
3) The universe created itself
OR 4) The first cause.

There has to be a "First Cause" because:
-Everything in the universe has a cause.

So either 1) The universe is the first cause or 2) God is.

God is the reasonable answer because he is only being who ever lived who is self existent.

Self existent: God has no beginning and therefore no cause. By definition, every efet must have a cause, but God is not an effect. He has always been and He will always be. God does not need outside support to exist. King David understood this when he wrote; "Before the mountains were created, before you made the earth and the world, you are God, without beginning or end. (Psalm 90:2)

So what if he's self existent and he is the beginning? What's the big deal? Why do we need to know this?
-You don't have to believe that the universe came here by accident or by chance.
- You can put your faith in a personal God rather than some kind of "impersonal force" or "cosmic energy."
-You can trust the Bible, because the Bible is the only "holy book" that correctly describes how the universe began.
-You can believe that God the First cause has unlimited capabilities, and that He chooses to use His power for your benefits and your future.

[Chapter 2]
So What's the Big Deal about God?

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