Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trust and Obey

We know that we live in Him and He in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. -1 John 4:13

Because God's spirit dwells in us, we can receive God's blessing, but when? We never know because it always happens during God's timing. The gift is given by God in His own way and time; this gift does not come of necessity at once. It is God's gift, and He knows when to give it and when to withhold it. On our parts, all we have to do is pray and stay consistent with his word, and just trust and obey.

The Spirit dwells in us once we accept him into our lives, and in time, he'll work in us and through us at any time of the day.

It makes me think of "The Heavenly Man", and brother Yun would pray for hours, weeks, months, and almost years, to ask for ONE Bible because he knew it was the truth. It didn't come to him when he wanted it, he had to fast, pray, cry, beg for the Bible and finally one day God revealed himself in the most miraculous way. But all he did was trust and obey, and wait.

I feel that in my life, the Spirit is already in me, he works through me all the time even without me realizing it. But there are still some things I need to stay consistently faithful to Him and to trust Him that he will make things happen. I need to live my life accordingly, and like Brother Yun, really be earnest and urgent about it. And until that day happens, I'm going to wait and be excited that God is going to work wonders because he dwells in not just me, but so many around me!

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