Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

What a productive week! Not in the sense of getting any substantial school work done, but this week was a blessing. So fulfilling.

Sunday - After service, we went to Far Rockaway with some hot foods to give away to those that may be in need.

Monday - Got to have a last laugh with Sarah before she left. Caught up with the soul sister, Mindy. Haven't done that in ages.

Tuesday - Met up with Cindy and had a good catch up time. Then, small group at Perry & Suminas. God is working so much in their lives and its such a blessing to witness it.

Wednesday - Spent all day making egg salad sandwiches and distributed them with New Jerusalem Church in Penn Station.

Thursday - Spent the day with David & the siblings.

Friday - Helped clean up in the GC home with siblings, David and Moustafa, whom I am so grateful for. Study buggin' hours at Panera Bread.

Saturday - Worship Team practice and dinner with the gang.

Sunday - Sunday Service & catch up with Abraham.

Now, I have to get back into the grind of getting all my work done. About two weeks left of school and not enough to finish all the work ahead.

I'm truly thankful for the opportunity and for the ability to be able to bless and help those around me and have good company to surround myself with. God is always faithful.

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