Monday, December 2, 2013

A Little Boost

Sometimes, it's so easy to lose sight of God and the plans he has for us. I know that happens to me all the time. It's so easy for me to go back into the slumps where everything becomes stressful, frustrating, anxiety provoking. It doesn't feel good, actually it feels horrible. But, there are other times, when I hear stories from friends that I haven't seen in a long time, and when I hear them, God puts me back in my place. He continuously reminds me that it's not about me, it's about Him. I just have to trust him in the process. This friend never encourages me by trying to teach me a lesson or whatever, she just shares stories about her own personal life and the way that God pulls through for her each and every single time. That pulling through never has to do with her own personal passions, she had to forsake all of that long ago, but it's whatever God willed for her to do, that's what she does. She had no other choice but to depend on God these past couple of years in her life and to see her trust in God and pull through every step of the way has been so encouraging. There was not one moment in time it was easy for her, but she just gave it up and gave it to God. Tonight, a lot of what she shared reminded me of the blessings that God had in store for me this past year. For the both of us, we would've never thought that God would have brought us where we are 3 years after college. Who would've thought I was going to be married and who would've thought her next chapter in life was going to be in Russia? Recently, it's just been hard for me, I'm not sure why but I feel dry. It's not anything particularly wrong that is going on, but I just don't feel anything. But tonight, I'm reminded about God's grace and His mercy over our lives. What's most amazing is not the end result of things, but the miracles and process that happens along the way, the struggles and hardships that led to the end results. I'm so thankful to God for people like these. Sometimes, I just need a little boost and today, I got that little boost to move forward and help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. More to post later about a recap of this year.

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