Friday, November 20, 2015


The past two weeks out of work have been an adjustment to say the least. I'm grateful to not have to ride the MTA and be stuck commuting all day long, but it does feel weird not doing so because I've been doing that for such a long time. It's been an adjustment because:
  • I still wake up every morning looking at the time and imagine myself and what I'm doing either at work or on the train.
  • Trying to balance baby, husband, my own personal life and youth ministry schedule has been difficult because the baby does take up most of our time and learning how to prioritize is still a work in progress. Soon, the other and I are working on creating something for ourselves where he has time to do his things efficiently, I have time to do mine, but we still have time for each other also. The other has been making a little more effort in spending time with me and the baby together which I appreciate. 
  • Still haven't figured out how to spend quiet time with God and be still before Him. 
Some things I have done that I haven't been able to do for the longest:
  • Clean my room
  • Get glasses
  • Get contacts
  • Go on a youth leadership training conference
  • Watch the baby for a whole day
  • Go out with hubby and the baby together for a walk
Some things I miss:
  • Having a work station (desk, computer, etc) because I don't have a place to do work at home.
  • Being with a team of people and a boss who makes the day better all the time.
  • Going out out for lunch, talks and walks with my best coworker friend.
  • Not having to think about obtaining health insurance.
People ask what I've been doing with all my free/flexible time. I think about it and as of this moment, I still don't think that I have much free time. Yes, my schedule is a little more flexible but I still feel like I have thousands of things to do and accomplish. Having a social life still seems a little bit difficult to have but hopefully I'll be able to learn to prioritize accordingly soon so that life can be lived out in a healthy and joyful way.

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