Friday, June 10, 2011

Back to the Basics

So, a friend recommended me to listen to Chuck Swindoll because he's "only the best speaker out there" he says. I typically subscribe to his daily devotions, but never really heard his messages. So since I spent a majority of my time on public transportation today, I downloaded his podcast and listened to a whole load of it.

It was great! Why? The recent theme of things I've been learning is going back to the basics -- really understanding why we should trust the Bible, if the Bible is real, understanding our roots as Christians and developing a core foundation of what we really believe in. Chuck Swindoll confirmed just that.

His recent message series are going through the 66 books of the Bible and I thought that was great because that's what I'm focusing on in my Bible Studies too (the Bible in 25 steps), so it would be great to integrate some of his thoughts with that of the Bible Study materials.

Here's more information about him & his ministry:

He even has worksheets that are attached with his messages, so useful, and great bible study material!

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