Monday, June 20, 2011

Transformational Prayer

A couple of months ago, my dad sent me this forwarded email. I didn't read it until now. What an awesome prayer it is.

"Lord, transform my mind to think constructive and not destructive thoughts.
Work with me and teach me how to create and establish a blessed life through my spoken words.
Examine my heart and renew a right spirit within me that I may be able to walk in your true calling over my life.
Let your Holy Spirit remind me to continue to speak life daily and prepare me to walk in my God given fullest potential.
Lord, I speak in faith, calling out to ______________________(the job, your vision, your goal), that your abundant oils will flow and prosper the work of my hands.
Doors that were once closed will now be open!
I declare supernatural favor over my ____________________(project, business, finances) that I may bring you glory in all that I do.
Search me, Lord, that you may use and multiply what I already have.
Purify my heart and help me to take full responsibility over my life and to stop blaming others for where im at. Thank, Lord, for your mercy that is new everyday!
I release and forgive all those who have hurt me in the past. Allow your oil to flow freely over my life and all my endeavors.
Surround me with people who follow you and that are successfully and divinely appointed to me.
Lord, bless me with a Joshua anointing, that I may have a decided heart like him and that my vision will align with your will.
Thank you for all the blessings you have already released in my life and help me to keep an attitude of gratitude and to always be content, yet to continually strive to multiply for your Kingdom.
Beginning today, I will start believing forward and stop looking to the past in comparison.
Thank you, Jesus, for preparing me for the abundance that is to come!
In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

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