Monday, July 11, 2011

I miss her.

Johnson sent me this picture to update me on things they were doing in Asia. One of the pictures he sent me was this one. Everytime I look at my grandma, it really melts my heart. Aside from the fact that she never smiles in pictures, she really left a lasting impact in my life. Those 3 weeks with her last year will never leave me. It was only the first time meeting her ever in my life, but everytime I think about her, I miss her to the point that it makes me tear/cry. I've never missed somebody so much in my life and for this long. There is just something about my grandma that I love so much. God willing, after the missions to the Philippines next year, I'll be able to go visit Taiwan once again and see her. I wish we could see her more often... I miss you grandma.... :(. God, I pray that you would keep her safe, healthy, and that you would bless her with joy and peace in her life always.

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