Monday, August 5, 2013

My commute

In a normal week, the typical time I set aside for bible reading and prayer is during my commute back and forth from the city. Although not an ideal spot to spend my alone times with God, but that's when I have my me myself and I time. Over the weekend, I took a day off work to go to six flags. I had a great time but one thing it did take me off of was my  normal routine. I realize that when I don't read the bible and pray, my day feels different, it feels empty, I feel a little anxious. It's weird, but just like I need  to feed myself with physical food, I need to intentionally feed myself with spiritual food as well. Normally, I always have the other pray for us before we go to sleep every night but the past couple of days, we had been coming home so late at night that it causes us to be too tired to do anything. It makes a difference in how I sleep, how I wake up, everything. 

Also, I have a coworker that often tells me that she wakes up early in the morning to "pray things through". I give her a lot of props for doing that because its very difficult for me to wake myself up at a certain time to do anything. Over the weekend, I sort of felt that way... Where I feel like I needed and wanted to pray things through, I'd feel like something is missing if I didn't and part of me was glad that the weekday was coming again so that I could go back to my normal routine.

A lot of times I feel like my coworker talks too much. Although a very spiritual lady, I'm still fairly new at my job and the learning process slows me down from completing what I'm supposed to on one. Many times, she gets caught up in telling me a story, and those stories are great and all because they're always intended to be an encouraging story, but as a new employee, I'm still learning and I can't pay attention to talking and my work at the same time. Well, although I feel that way every so often, she does speak a lot of truth. Example: I often tell her that my wrist hurts from sitting at the computer too long and I feel like I have carpel tunnel syndrome. She immediately responds, "don't claim it". That's true, why in the world am I claiming pain onto my body. This weekend, I was more intentional about not claiming something like that because it becomes psychosomatic and all in my mind. 

Anyway, every time I have my phone around me, I'll squeeze in looking at instagram or Facebook or the like, not for any particular reason, but just for the sake of scrolling through pictures on social media website. For some reason, I felt like this weekend, I was on social media very often, and it's actually pretty draining and I get just about nothing out of it. I think I'm gonna make a deal with myself to only go on social media once a day. Actually, I'm just tired of looking at my phone and checking it all the time, such a bad habit.

God I commit this day to you, I want to start off my morning by giving it over to you. 

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