Friday, July 24, 2015

3 months

The last time I posted was when he was three weeks, now he's three months. Time flies and still haven't been able to fully adjust to real life. Baby boy is growing up quickly. From then till now: 

- He's able to acknowledge that he has hands now.
- He does tummy time and raise his head high without a problem.
- He is a morning person it seems and he loves to smile and interact during that time. 
- He has already moved once in his life - he's adjusting pretty well with the in laws. 
- He still scratches his face and rubs it a lot :(
- I've experienced explosive poop, it's not pretty. 
- He has traveled to California.
- He was able to follow toys during the time daddy was in New Mexico. 
- He has experienced separation anxiety when daddy was in New Mexico. 
- Grateful to God that even when other and I got sick, he didn't get sick at all. 
- He has been sleeping throughout the night but still wakes up about three times for feedings.

Everyone says their baby is the cutest and I must say mine is also. I have a such a hard time seeing myself go back to work full time in another week. Not looking forward to it at all. Sucks to have to leave him for a full day but I have appreciated every moment with him for his first three months of life. 

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