Friday, October 23, 2015

6 months

Baby is already six months old today and my how time flies. Today he went to his 6 month check up and he's already 19.5 pounds. He's grown so much and every single moment with him is precious.

This past month, he has:
  • Not only grown his bottom two teeth but his top two teeth has rooted.
  • He fell off the bed for the first time because he happened to squirm himself over to the other side of the bed while daddy fell asleep.
  • He got sick for the second time but still happy
  • He hates when we try to wipe his nose.
  • He loves jumping in the jumparoo.
  • He smiles and laughs so much now.
  • He's truly a happy baby.
  • He still doesn't sleep through the night.
  • He still drinks only about 3-4 ounces per sitting.
  • He can stand on his own while holding something.
  • He can squirm and try to do an army crawl, but it'll get him where he wants to be.
  • He can grab onto things
  • He looks at his hands still with so much amazement.
  • He can just about sit up straight but still has his moments of tipping over.
  • His skin is still very dry so we have to constantly apply lotion.
  • He babbles all the time.
  • He enjoys watching people play the guitar.
  • The pacifier helps him to fall asleep.
  • He seems to like the taste of his boogers so he constantly sticks his tongue upward of his lips and sucks on it.
  • He always likes being upright, he can't stand laying down or being cradled.
  • He takes much appreciation at the cross we have hung up in our room.
  • When we are eating dinner, he can't get his eyes off the food.
  • He grabs everything off the table.
  • The car seat is still not his best friend.
  • He sleeps typically at 9:00-9:30PM and wakes up 7:00-7:30AM.
  • He still constantly scratches his head when he gets tired.
  • He can't stay outdoors for too long, he likes to be at home.
  • He can now reach over if he wants someone else to carry him.
  • He's getting harder to carry because he's always twisting around trying to explore the environment.
  • He puts everything in his mouth.
I thank God for this precious little one every single day.

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