Wednesday, June 19, 2013


There are some things that infuriate me but it's so common and part of every day life its hard to escape it. 

Example: Right before the wedding day, the bridal party typically have bachelor/bachelorette parties. One common aspect of these parties are to hire strippers and go all out in these parties because it's the last time in a persons life where they are going to be single so why not make the most out of it. People are excited about this event not realizing that these strippers are actually people. I think it just makes me mad to see how people have fun at other peoples expenses. Although these strippers probably don't mind because they don't see the harm in it, but where's the value in the self? Why do people like to been seen as toys and objects? Where's the respect for a persons body or their own body? It's kind of sickening. I think about how if I had a child and knew that the person grew up to sell their bodies for some cash, I'd be furious. Or maybe they want that cash because they really have no where to sleep and they need some money to continue on for the night. It can be anything, but I just don't like the fact that there's no sense of respect in all that.

Another example: I've been on a cruise all week enjoying myself, relaxing, sleeping, not doing anything productive... All at the expense of these hard working people from third world countries who sign six month contracts at a time to make a living to be away from their families in order to support their families. The work probably 60-80 hour work weeks, they clean for us, they cook for us, they do everything in the background in order for us to sleep well at night. They break their backs just so that we can have fun. And they probably don't get paid a lot for their hard work either. That's real life. People don't just sit in offices all day and work in air conditioned offices on their computers and sitting through meetings. People are killing themselves out there to live and we fortunate people take so much advantage of that. 

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