Thursday, June 27, 2013

Nyack Testimony

I'm SO blessed to be part of an AMAZING team at work. They bless me so much.

Yesterday, at the SFS appreciation day, the director had asked for me to share my testimony. Here it goes.

Since enrolling into Nyack College, my life has changed. God has directed my path and brought me to what I feel is where I am supposed to be in this moment of my life. About three years ago, I knew nothing about Nyack College except the fact that it was a Christian school. During that time of my life, I was in a transition out of college crisis. I had graduated from Baruch College with a marketing degree and I was determined and excited to find a position in the marketing field.  Fast forward a year later, that didn't happen, and all the jobs I was looking for didn't seem to suit me.  As I was looking through job postings, the only jobs that stuck out to me were non profit organizations with the mission to reduce extreme poverty, promote social justice, or things of that nature. I saw myself being in the front lines and helping those type of people rather than being in the back making marketing advertisements for the organization. To me, I felt more value in serving and interacting with people face to face. During that time, I had a couple of close friends who knew me very well. All at different times in different conversations, they had suggested for me to look into counseling and possibly enroll back in school for further education. I responded to all of them kindly and said, "Thanks but no thanks. I graduated with a business major and that's what I want to stick to." Not knowing God had bigger and better plans for me, I wanted to take control of my own life. Not too long after, a non Christian friend had told me to go look into Nyack College, she heard it had a counseling masters program. I decided to look at Nyack's Website, I browsed through all the masters programs that Nyack offered, particularly the MBA, but the counseling program stuck out to me the most. I attended an open house, was actually totally turned off by Nyack and didn't think about Nyack until three months later, I was catching up with an old friend who was already working in the business field for years. She had told me she was in the process for applying at the mental health counseling program at Nyack college and she's having a great experience going through the application process. I asked her who she spoke to and contacted that admissions counselor myself.  She was amazing, I felt like she actually cared for my situation and so I decided to apply. There were some prerequisite class that I needed to take because I didn't major in psychology in college, and a week later, thank God, I was accepted. Since that day, my life changed. A friend from college whom I met at Intervarsity christian fellowship started working in graduate admissions part time, she heard I was Interested in being more involved in Nyack college and so she referred me to a part time position that was available in undergrad admissions. There, God was able to use both my business and administrative skills as well as my people friendly skills for the position i was in. I felt so thankful to God for doing so. I got the job, and the first week I started the job, I was asked to do a task that was not in my initial job description. That's where I met my husband whom I just got married to two weeks ago. During the engagement process with my fiance at the time, I was going through a lot of anxiety I had to trust God with in regards to my future. Right after I let that go and cast my cares upon God, God spoke through someone in Nyack college while she was seeking the Lord. In my four semesters of working at Nyack College, I've probably only shared one sentence with this woman, so one day she pulled me to the side and encouraged me to apply for the financial aid position at Nyack College. I was shocked and didn't know what to say because I was having an amazing time in the undergrad admissions office. I loved the team I was working with and wasn't ready to consider anything else. Anyway, after reflecting, I felt like this might have been a prayer to my anxiety and my fiance encouraged me to trust God with the situation. Though circumstances didn't seem possible for me to obtain the financial aid counselor position, I trusted God to make a way if this was what he was leading me to. Well God made a way and I'm here today. Not only that, I had anxiety over not being able to find an internship position that would be suitable for the full time job position as a financial aid counselor. Well, God made a way for that as well because God ended up giving me the internship position at Nyack College NYC campus which is just a couple of steps away from the SFS office in the new building. All this to say that God has been working in my life miraculously and it is all in a way which I least expect it. This is not how I imagined life to be after I graduated college but I couldn't have asked for a better experience. God has plans for us and all he requires for us is to be faithful to the task given to us. One verse that really stands out to me during this season of my life is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. God is SO good, and through all the ups and downs, he makes a way. During my honeymoon, a song that stuck out to my husband was: "Great is the Lord."

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