Wednesday, June 19, 2013


This is definitely one of the most awesome moments of my life that are to be cherished day after day. 

I think about my surroundings and I'm so blessed to have all different type of environments where I can constantly grow in. 

Small group - I'm the quiet one in the group, the guys usually talk more and in group therapy terms, I'm a freeloader there because most of the time I'm absorbing all this information but I hardly share and speak. God moves so crazily in this group that no words can describe what kind of group this is. 

EMC - This is the group in which I've spent most of my life in. This is the group where I feel most comfortable and most myself in. Typically, I am the social butterfly in this group, I'm often one of the first to introduce myself to new people. I feel like this place is my home so I'm always going out of my way to make others feel like this is or this can be their home as well. This is the group where everyone is so different but we all fit perfectly together like a dysfunctional family. We know each other all too well. We understand each these jokes. Sometimes we are on the verge of strangling each other but nevertheless, we fit. 

School - This is the environment where I'm constantly reminded to be disciplined and diligent with my work. It's a non stop environment where studying is necessary, there's not much room to slack. There's always a challenge and there's always something new to learn and grow in. In this environment, I'm surrounded by a diverse group of people of all different cultures, ages, and backgrounds. I get to hear from all different types of perspectives and not just be stuck in my Asian American way of thinking and processing. Many times, it's relieving and freeing to be out of the Asian circle in which I'm so engulfed in.

Work - This is an environment where I'm surrounded by people who come from all different walks of life but our common trait is efficiency, organization, administrative duties, and all the work related terms. I thought that there were not many people in the world who can be so detailed and organized but this group of people proved me wrong and I have much to learn from them. Their experience in this field regarding financial aid far exceeds mine and I have a lot of learning to go. I'm often forced to humble  myself and ask for help because I'm still knowledgable in the field I'm in. It's such a challenge, it's tiring but it's rewarding to know the great team I'm surrounded by. 

Childhood friends - Ever since I decided to follow Jesus, many of the non believers I encounter are those that are seeking God and openly to hearing about him. My childhood friends are the main group of people where I'm reminded of what it's like to be in the world. Sometimes, I'm so engrained into the bubble I live in that I forget how the real world looks like. They continue to remind me to put life into perspective. They teach me how much urgency I need to have when it comes to letting others know who Christ is because it makes SUCH a big difference with and without Christ. 

Family - This group of people is the people I can be most honest with and vent about anything to. We all understand each other whether we want to or not because we grew up in the same household and developed a family culture like no other. These are the people that push my buttons the most, but at the end of the day, I know I always have family to rely on. This is the group I'm amazed at the most because its crazy to see how as we grow up, God is really using each of us as part of his story and I'm just so grateful we are part of it 

GCC - Now that I started a new chapter of life with my other half, a lot of things are in the process of changing. I'm not entirely used to it nor would it currently be my destination of choice. But I know that God has brought me here for a reason and for a purpose. This group actually reminds me of my childhood: the rigid and traditional structure of church and religion. It makes me feel a little bound by structure and lack of freedom to be me. (At least for now as I'm still adjusting.)  It reminds me of how EMC used to be when it first started: There are very few youth and young adults, most congregants are first generation middle-aged Korean Americans who are pretty set in their ways. It reminds me of EMC because there are sporadic spots of diversity and there's room for growth. 

I've been blessed with amazing surroundings and God is moving me into a new chapter of life where I'm moving on from the home I'm most comfortable in and to a brand new environment. Things won't be the same for sure and a piece of my heart is still left at my original home. But if the other does decide to stay here, I see how God can work and use us to magnify his name in this new surrounding. 

The other is great at studying and understanding the word, interceding, preaching and being fervent, passionate, intense about anything he puts his interests into. His passion is Christ, Christ is his everything, and I'm that sense, I'm confident that God is going to mold him, grow him and work through him in a mighty way. I, on the other hand, am a little different from him. I like working with people and I love being part of and doing small groups and making people feel at home. I feel like if we were together to start a ministry, we can both use our God given skills to complement each other in serving in the ministries. 

Anyway, the point of this blog is: I'm blessed to have wonderful surroundings. He's shaped me and grown me so deeply through these groups of people, and the above stated are just a few of the many groups and circles that I'm blessed to be part of. 

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