Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gifts on my lap.

After the start of graduate school, everything's been such a blessing. My perspectives on things have changed a lot and I'm just really glad everything's happening the way it is. God always works for the good of those who love him and I fully believe that.

Some things that have been happening lately:

  • It's totally weird how when I kind of wanted/needed a job, things didn't seem to be falling into place. All of a sudden, about two weeks ago -- I had three things offered on my lap and then another one last week. The first couple of classes, one of my professors liked my smile... and she just recovered from a stroke and needed help cleaning her office after the move. She asked me and I helped her -- then she mentioned how she was considering offering me a job as an aid to direct their mentors program. That same week, my friend from school contacted me and told me about a job they were offering in the undergrad admissions. She remembered me because I asked her in the beginning of the school year, thank God. I went for the interview and was hired the day of. At the same time, Bobby was leaving LV and said that his manager needed people who spoke Chinese to work there and he just so happened to ask me. And then last week, Keisha, the front desk girl at the graduate school pulled me to the side and told me, "Joan, God has a place for you here in Nyack, I can just see it. Btw do you work?" And she said there were possibly openings for me. Fortunately and unfortunately, I already started my work as administrative assistant in the undergrad admissions. I don't understand this but I'm accepting these things as it comes. God does have a place for me here and I believe it, I'm loving it so far.
  • I also realize that just living and breathing is such a spiritual battle. The more I look to God and spend time with him, the more the enemy will attack on my weak sides. That night after I got accepted the job from the interview, I had such a great night until I got home. Things became chaotic, I felt so helpless and I totally wasn't able to handle or manage the situation that was going on. It broke my heart so much to see my family torn to pieces and I really didn't know what to do. I know the more I play steady on God's side, there's gonna be a lot more of these, but I declare joy, peace, freedom over everything in my life. I trust that God will help us overcome it. He is and I believe it. I just continue to pray that as I go through struggles and such, God would keep me close to him and stay faithful no matter how hard it gets. I surrender it all. 
  • Going to class is such an encouragement. I enjoy it so much, aside from my Saturday class, I think just because it's on Saturdays but I know my perspective has to change. I made my schedule for next semester already -- it's going to be Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, Friday and Saturday afternoon, and work during day times. Schedule and life is starting to get busy again but I'm thankful that I have all these opportunities in my hand and will strive in each one with excellence. If God's throwing these gifts left and right on my lap, why not receive it and glorify him with it? I'm still working on time management skills, balancing all of these things together, but it's doable.
God's good, I don't know how else to put him into words. 

This is a song that highlights my current life situation:

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