Thursday, October 13, 2011


Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just
like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price
we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal
– Vince Lombardi

What you do with your time is a valued commodity.
If you can manage your life and use time well,
it'll be an amazing asset in your life. -
John Maxwell

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is a success
. – Henry Ford

One of things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy
is doing things for other people
. -Dick Gregory

Know thyself means this, that you get acquainted with what you know,
and what you can do . ~ Menander
Who can I today and how can I today add value to someone else?

How to be an effective communicator?
Our ability to connect with peole is essential to our success.
"Everyone Communicates if you Connect" by John Maxwell.
  • Find common ground -- Great connectors move from where they are to where their audience is. They don't ask or expect people to come to them. Immature leaders expect their people to come to them. Great leaders and connectors leave wherever their platform is and go wherever their people are. If I want to connect to you, I gotta be where you are. I have to be on the same ground as you are, not higher ground - Off the mountain and down to the valley.

    Whenever we make that effort and get to the common ground. We show that we are with them and beside them and not in front of them, then an emotional connection will be made. Then a friendship and a relationship will establish. If you ever want to take people to higher ground, you first have to find common ground.

    Example: A girl got an interview from 10 min to 1.5 hours. Found out what he liked and right to where he was and met him in the exact place he lived. There was common ground.
  • Pour a lot of energy into connecting with people -- They provide energy themselves and are the first ones to step out. There's no such thing as a lazy connector. Prepare well, study well and realize that it's going to require a lot of energy to connect with the person that they're trying to communicate with effectively.
 Intertwine Your Profession With Coaching & Speaking

  1. Do I really LIKE people? (Wanting to add value to them, enjoying being with them.)
  2. Am I a good LISTENER? When I'm with people, am I doing all the talking or am I the person that likes to ask questions. Questions that are asked are the key to the other person's life. Do other people interest me? How can you speak effectively into people's lives if you don't know who they are and don't understand them? If you don't know their story and what their dreams are, what their passions are?
  3. Do you LOVE your life and do you love what you're doing? All of that is engaging. It brings people to you and brings you to people. The love for what you're doing and the passion for how you are doing it, the desire to share it for others is contagious! (Charisma!)
  4. Do I everyday LEARN? Experience means very little if we don't extract from that experience, insight, knowledge, and wisdom. Are you a life long learner? Do you have a passion to know things? Wisdom comes from the ability to take experience and learn from the experience and apply it to yourself in a positive way. Out of that, pass on, be a river and teach what you learn and what you know.
  5. Do I LEAD well? Influence people. If you know how to influence people, you can lead them. Do one thing consistently and you will influence people. Everyday of your life, be determined and intentional into adding value into people. If that's the only mission you have everyday, you will start adding value into people. Have I learned to intentionally everyday to add value unto others?

1 comment:

  1. i so agree with this quote
    -One of things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy
    is doing things for other people. -Dick Gregory
