Monday, October 3, 2011

Path towards Success

Just took some notes about what John Maxwell said:

Success is not a destination, we don't become successful.
Success is a journey, a process. It's a daily thing.

Example: In school, the day you graduate you get a diploma, you just got recognized for the success you already were. So many times people have a tendency to devalue the moment, today. What they do is they greatly value the destination. They talk about when I get there, or if I do that, or when I accomplish this.

Book: "Today Matters" by John Maxwell
Many times, we make decisions and we manage decisions. It's not the decision that makes you, you make decisions. What you want to be tomorrow, you've got to do today. You visualize tomorrow, that gives you hope, your motivation and your dream, but you value today. What I do everyday is either getting me closer to that vision, dream, goal, or we are getting farther away from it.

Everyday we are either repairing or preparing.. Everyday I spend repairing, I'm not spending preparing. When we repair when we fail to manage the decisions that we make. When we prepare, everyday we manage the decisions that we make.

Your footprints to success is your footprints of success. It's another step to prepare your potential.

Each one of us in our lives should live hungry everyday understanding that we are to live until we die.
Success can't be summarized in a degree or a program or a diploma. Today, if we are learning to coach, speak, doing the things that are central to the decisions, then congratulations.

Overtime, it shows that. Expression: "I've worked all my life to become an overnight success."
You didn't get good at that moment, you've been good for a long time, it just showed up someday!
Everyday -- learn, grow, absorb, everyday we want you to do the things that will one day help you be the person you want to become. The only thing that is better than take the journey by yourself is to do it with someone else.

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