Thursday, October 25, 2012

Little talks on the train.

The other day, David and I were taking the train back to Flushing together. There was one seat available so he let me sit while he stood. I reached out my hand, grabbed his sweater and put it on my lap so that he didn't have to hold it. The man right next to me commented, "only people in Korea do that". That comment led to hearing a big portion of his life story along with his hurts and pains that led to his children growing up to be not too good either. He now doesn't have a wife, his children don't speak to him, he was married for twelve years and he's been divorced for twelve years as well. He doesn't believe in the whole religion thing because he grew up Jewish and couldn't understand why God would allow the Holocaust to happen. David ended up telling him a little bit about how God has to be real from his testimony. Unfortunately, the guy has been through enough to not believe in anything. He was a nice guy. I wish we could've had an opportunity to plug him in to somewhere healthy. Life is hard.

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