Monday, January 21, 2013

Dream about Food

This morning, I woke up after my body jerked because I thought some kind of eek looking thing went down my back. I hardly have dreams often, but when I do, I always have weird ones. All I remember from this dream was that I was eating with Shirley and two other friends around a table. We were at someone's house and there were a lot of other people plopped on the couch etc. We all happened to be eating weird and exotic foods. The things that stood out to me were: cooked hamsters, jumping live baby shrimps, weird live eel looking things that stuck on a persons back. I was a bit freaked out because all my friends seem to eat these things like they were normal, but they were not, ESPECIALLY the hamsters. I could've sworn they were just playing with those hamsters before. Anyway, when I mentioned to Shirley that she had that eel thing on her back, she took it off of her and I immediately starting running away from her into another room. Later on, all these people started following me and some person was holding the eel in a bag. Because I couldn't hold the door closed any longer, the person came to me and dropped the eel right onto me and I freaked out and that's when I woke up. Weird.

I'm the type of person that says I could eat everything and anything, but now I may have to think otherwise.

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