Friday, January 25, 2013

Life's Not Easy

I often say, "life is hard" and it is. People go through their daily dosage of crap everyday. Everyone goes through personal issues and that's just the way life is. Some people handle it well and others have a hard time reacting appropriately. Recently, I have a lot of loved ones around me who are going through a load of crap, for lack of a better word. I thank God that they can and are able to confide in me and trust in me. I wish I could do something more but for some reason, it seems as if I'm letting them down. Handling their emotions properly is not exactly what they are doing lately. Even their response to me might hurt a little sometimes too but it's okay, they need to vent and get those emotions off their chest. At the same time, I go through crap also and I'm only one person trying to juggle everything I can. As I take new steps in these new chapters of my life, a lot of sacrifices will probably have to be made which will hurt people because of my lack of presence in their life, but at the same time, I do what I can. I'm not there to pity people, I just want to be there for them out of care but I wish they could be fair to me sometimes too. I'm human, not superhuman. I wish I knew what to do. 

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