Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"I'm getting used to this."

At small group yesterday, one of the guys said, "I'm getting used to this" in regards to how God and him are on an interesting relationship where he's been testing God over and over again and Gods been proving to him how real he is. It's almost crazy to hear week after week the stories shares about how God would basically call him back to Him. 

In one of our mini conversations, I looked at him and said, "so you're really getting used to this huh?" He said, "yea, you must see this everyday and its like nothing for you." I thought about it and said yeah, actually things like this happen all the time but I'm always amazed; every time it happens, I'm still always so amazed. 

God encounters all of us in such unique and personal ways. What happens to each member in the small group is not alike in anyway. Our personality, character, way of life, hobbies... They are all different but man when we come together, it's really like a church. There's no way to explain the way and the lengths God takes to draw us back to him and cause us to have faith in him. 

The other half says; "this small group just keeps on getting better and better. I know I say this every week but this is the BEST small group we've ever had." It's funny because he says this every week. And it really is the best small group. There's not many meeting times where we walked away and said God was not working. 

Although I wish everyone can experience this goodness with me, I know and have hope that God would still meet everyone where they need to be met in a unique and personal way. 

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