Tuesday, July 9, 2013

One Month

Whoah, I've been officially married for exactly one month already, that's crazy. Time flew by so quickly.

In the beginning, we weren't ecstatic about the place we are living in because everything's just really old, but the more we're in it, the more we're appreciating it and glad that we have that place. We're still working on a lot of stuff in the home, the other has been such a blessing because he's been doing ALL the handiwork.

Ever since we've been married, the other seems to be so much more patient, loving, caring, and all. Most of all, he seems to be at a lot of peace, so it's nice to be around him. Maybe now he has more of an opportunity to show his love. Thus far, I've been doing all the cleaning and he's being doing all the handiwork and cooking. I've been helping him cut things and doing the preparation in whatever capacity I can.

Coming home everyday and grocery shopping and cooking is so time consuming. By the time I come home from work and the by the time we finish eating dinner, it's already the end of the night and we're too tired to do anything other than be unproductive. We have to find a more efficient way of living, lol.

So far, he's been the house husband and I'm the working wife.

Recently, I've also been in no mood to focus in school. I have one more paper due for the summer tomorrow and I can't get myself to focus and do it. After a long work day, I'm having a hard time gathering my mind to study and focus on academics. These are the times when I wish I wasn't in school. Sometimes, I just want to relax and be unproductive. I've been doing that very often during the weekends.

Other than that, this month has been a blessing. I'm blessed to be with him and I'm looking forward to the rest of our life together.

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