Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Send Us Out

I'm always ready to say to God, "Here I am, send me!" Wherever he wants to put me, I'm willing to go. I know that's a risky statement because it can literally be anywhere, but I trust the plans he has for me..

As I was reflecting on embarking in my new journey at a new church, in a new home, with a new family, it's a bittersweet moment. I miss my home church of course, but at the same time, I'm glad that God is opening up a new chapter in my life. I see it as God sending me out on a mission. I've been trained, I've grown so much in my home church and now I'm ready to be sent out to make an impact in the new community I'm in. Now I look at my new church as a mission field. It's a place where I'm totally not accustomed to, the place needs growth, I'm definitely not as comfortable as I was in my old church. It's JUST like the mission field.

Since attending the new church, the other has started splitting up the group to make it single gender groups. I took the girls and he took the guys. The group of girls I'm working with grew up in church, have not really found their purpose in God and are just going to church just because their parents said so. It's only a couple of them for now, but it'll be exciting to see how God uses them and brings others to Christ. It reminds me of the old days when I used to lead the girls at my old church. Brings back good and joyful memories.

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