Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Truth & Love

Today's small group was interesting. The funniest thing was when three guys were fighting about what was right for a guy who was struggling. All of them were giving their own feedback and confess.

One was emphasizing on the scripture and talking about hope through scripture.

Another one was using scripture as well and using his own personal life experiences.

The other one didn't agree with both of them and told them both to shut up. He told the guy that there's nothing any of us could do and talking won't solve anything. He told the guy to just give up.

Anyway, it became very tense and intense for a couple of minutes but the result was that all of us realized how much care and love everyone had for each other.

One guy was speaking truth to the person's life.

The other guy was speaking love into the person's life.

The last guy who doing both.

All of it was necessary.

There were so many emotions today. But only through the tenseness and seriousness was everyone able to see the heart that all of them had for the guy who was struggling.

Another interesting thing I noticed today was that the past month, each small group focused on one particular person each week. It wasn't intentional, everything just happened naturally, but there was always a topic that came up that focused on one person's issues and dealing with them and praying over them. All of them led to very serious talks that required us to give it up to Christ and draw us closer to Christ.

God is amazing. He meets all of us in such personal and unique ways.

Lastly, this small group has been going on for exactly a year (and two weeks to be exact). This small group has went a long way. I shared with them what our first prayer requests were when we first started this small group and every single prayer request has been answered since last year. It's amazing to see where God can bring a small group in a year for as long as we just make ourselves available to meet.

In so many ways, this is church for so many of them. This is a place where people are able to be themselves, speak openly and still be God centered. It's edifying, encouraging and most of all, God moves, it's crazy. We have shared so many emotions with one another, we have shared ups and downs together during small group time together, we've witnessed prayer, laughter, tears, anger, care, appreciation, friendship, all different types of food, everything!

I look forward to how God is going to work this group. I'm exciting to see how everything will look like years from now. When I look at the small group, I have so much hope. I can so see all of them work together in the ministry in the long run to build the body of Christ and reach out to more people.

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