Tuesday, April 1, 2014

One Year

Today marks my one year of working at my first full time job. Prior to that, I've always been working a lot of hours, but always part time. Time flies... pretty quickly. Do I see myself working here forever? No. I feel like I've been working here forever already because prior to this, I was just working in the same building but different department. I've dedicated about almost three years to this community already and it's been a great experience overall. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had here. There are times I want to move on because I feel like this is not it, I want to do something more, something that drives me, but for some reason, I don't feel like it's the time to move on just yet. Within the past year, I've had the opportunity to work in different departments: the admissions office, the financial aid office, as a counseling intern and as a student here. Sometimes I see myself being in academia, but other times, I feel like I want to do more.

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