I wanted to start this blog site with a verse and while I was looking through my old book trying to find a good verse to put out there, I found th
is one. Why? Who knows.
In my own words, this verse says:
Jesus died on the cross for us for a reason and that is so we can live an abundant life, to not worry about earthly things but to take up our cross and follow Him.
This verse really means:
Freedom is ours because of the accomplishment of Christ. Paul didn't tell his readers to fight to be free through work&deed, but that we are already free. Back then, many false teachers had Galatian converts under intense social pressure to become Jews by being circumcised. Yoke of slavery means the law.
I think:
I read this verse and thought about my own life. About how free I've been and always will be because of the love of Christ. The reason why my life is always so "awesome" and how I can still continue and endure in this life is because of Christ's love for me.
I thank God so much for raising me up in a Christian surrounding most of my life. It made me view life in such a different perspective. One that allows me to not let any problems, hardships, or trials hinder others or myself from seeing the glory of God. This verse is the exact reason why I don't worry

and stress a lot and the only reason why I can put a smile on my face even when I'm not always in the mood. Knowing that God has always got my back, knowing that we are already free just gives me the assurance that everything is okay.
I read somewhere:
"Imagine a prisoner who is suddenly surprised to find out that he has been pardoned and set free. He did nothing to accomplish this. He was not even aware that is had happened. But there he stands outside the prison walls, a free man. Now it is his responsibility to live as a free man."