Thursday, August 25, 2011


Most recent update in life: So far so good.
I'm halfway of completing my application process.
Major concern now is to study for a whole course in a span of less than two weeks and actually pass it.
The way that it's going right now, I'm not too worried because I can see that God's with me every step of the way. Whatever happens, happens. I'm pretty excited.
The environment is definitely a place I'd enjoy and learn from.
I love how it's integrated upon Christian principles.
I'm praying that all goes well.
God willing, grad school here I am come.
There are struggles and minor attacks that are trying to put me down mentally and emotionally,
but God I trust you.

Three times, I heard this verse yesterday.
Romans 8:28 -- one of my favorites -- "And we know that God always works for the good of those who love him, who are calling according to his purpose."


  1. Nyack??
    grad school?
    that is awesome~ stay faithful sista :)

  2. realllllly? joannn i didnt knowww..we so gotta catch up lols telll me about ur lifeee hahahar..hope all goes well with this =)
