Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crazy Lady

Yesterday I was sitting next to this lady that wouldn't stop bothering my parents about finding her a place to live in. She supposedly knew my parents for over 30 years and was one of the few first to move to NY. She used to be those top real estate agents. Then recently, after one closing, something happened and everything went down hill and people are not tracking her down, following her, and making sure she has no place to live. Rudely and naggingly, she kept bothering my parents, and even Jerry and I if she can squeeze in with us over nice, or if she can come over our house. My mom already told her "no" because she has to pack and fly out of states and she has to finish a lot of things. She still kept insisting and nagging and it was really driving me crazy. We made a detour to mom's old friend's house, and she was like, "Hey, ask her if I can sleep over her house for the night". And my mom said "no" she lives with her husband in a small studio, she can't fit. And my parents were trying to be as helpful as possible but she was really getting on my nerves because she wasn't being respectful about it. Finally we got to our Flushing home and then we saw a car right in front of our house. Everyone in the car got paranoid and thought that the car was there for her. She was memorizing their license plates and telling us, I have to be careful they might be trying to get me. That's when I snapped and I said this is enough and this is ridiculous. I was trying to be nice to her, but she was getting out of hand. Well, at the end of the night, we let her live one night in a room in our Flushing house, but omigoodness that was some hard work. I don't want her to categorize her as "crazy" but it's a lack of a better word. I feel horrible for her, but at the same time, a little respect would do. It was definitely not a great end to the beautiful day I had.

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