Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Power of Praise

Awwwwww I'm a little disappointed that Florence is forced to drop all her classes this semester. :( But at the same time, praise God, because he's in control and he must have a reason for this. I was looking forward to taking so many classes with her and studying together because she became such a close friend and awesome sister in Christ. She's one of the main people who just encouraged me to apply for Nyack just by her presence, without her having to say anything. But thank you God for this situation. I can't wait to see what you had planned for her and how you are going to deal with this.

Merlin Carothers said, "Praising God for every circumstance does not mean we close our eyes to the difficulties. Looking only at the good side of every situation is often a dangerous way of trying to escape the reality of it. When we praise God we thank Him for our situation, not in spite of it. We are not trying to avoid our dilemmas. Rather Jesus Christ is showing us a way to overcome them. Praising God with a pure heart means we must let God cleanse our hearts from impure motives and hidden designs. We have to experience the dying to self so that we can live again in Christ in newness of mind and spirit." 

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