Monday, September 12, 2011

First Days of School

I've taken two classes so far and looking forward to my other two classes tomorrow. So far so good. The first day of school, I had such a great time. The professor was great, the couple of people I interacted with were awesome. The class was diverse in ethnicity, age, experience but all of us come with the purpose to serve people because we truly love people.

My first day of class was definitely a different experience. Typical class starts off with going straight into the syllabus, but the professor started off the class with prayer and then a reading of a passage from the Scripture. Definitely something I wasn't used to. When the professor said something relating to God and truth, you would hear students go, "MHMM!" It was such a blessing to be part of that environment. The first class was beyond my expectations and something I would love to look forward to go to.

The second class on Saturday was just alright. Because the first class set the bar, the second class was little bit of a snoozer though some said it was great. She came to class one hour late because she couldn't find the new building we were in, and then she just threw at us some basic information we could've read for ourselves in the textbook. I expected more, she was trying and that was her teaching style. She tried to be interactive but it wasn't the same. I'm looking for this class to be much better than that in the coming weeks.

I wanted to get a part time job to make some side cash, but I'm not sure if that's possible because the workload seems to be overwhelming and I'm aiming to ace all the classes. Ordered about 25 books over the weekend, and we have to read all this within one semester, that's crazy, but at the same time I'm looking foward to it! Let the studying begin!

My God make my passion and mission clearer as I take steps to progress towards my future.

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