Thursday, May 3, 2012

I am a People Person.

After my individual counseling session this morning, I realized that no matter how introvert I say I am by nature, I am a people person. Yesterday, I felt so free after work because I'm done with school, I don't have any major obligations and deadlines to meet and I ended at 4PM which was so early! Freedom felt so good and I wanted to take advantage of that by just doing whatever I want to do and just relax. I ended up staying in my cubicle for about four hours, enjoying my time of peace and quiet and spending some me-time. I have no problem being alone in quietness and silence, it's so refreshing. But I noticed that even in my me-time, I'm always in some sort of communication where I'm interacting with people -- I'm really not alone having time to myself even though I feel like I am. If I'm not interacting with someone in person, I'll be responding to emails,  texting, on the phone, or blogging. At the end of the day, I love being around people because people are what make the memories. No one ever talks about a memory when they were by themselves but rather, I make memories when I'm with people. I want to value every moment I have with people because they are the beings God created for us to enjoy life with. I feel like that's the way to make the most out of every opportunity. Anyway, just a thought.

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