Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thoughts about Grandma.

My mother went back to Taiwan to visit my grandmother whose been hospitalized recently. Yesterday, Johnson and I Skyped with my grandmother and mom. The moment I saw her face, I couldn't help but to break out in tears. I wish I could just go back, stay with her, give her a hug, tell her I love and appreciate so much. Just from one month of getting to know her, I fell in love with her because of selfless heart. I'm so glad to have personally met such an amazing such as her. It breaks my heart so much to see her in so much pain, it broke my heart so much to leave Taiwan knowing that I might never see her again.

Grandma never had a job before. She spent her whole life taking care of her husband and her four children. She's never left anywhere to have fun or relax, she's only left the house to take care of errands and go grocery shopping for the home. She's been to America once so that she could take care of her grandchildren for a couple of months. Her husband passed away a couple of years ago and since then, she's been pretty much by herself. Until this day, she still handwashes all her clothing, buys grocery, cooks food, washes the dishes, wipes the floor by hand, everything, everything, everything. She has four children but many of them are busy working and not spending enough time visiting her. She's so faithful, she really trusts in the Lord and when we were in Taiwan, she bent over backwards to make us happy. Gah, I miss her.

Johnson's praise/prayer report:
1. Good news: Grace. I've been selected as the 2011-2012 Valedictorian of the Grove School of Engineering. As Valedictorian, I will have the honor of representing my graduating class at the 2012 Grove School of Engineering Graduation Ceremony on Friday, June 1, 2012.

2. Prayer request: Mercy. Paternal grandmother was diagnosed with gastric cancer in October 2010 and returned home after having 3/5 of her stomach surgically removed. She is currently in the hospital once again. Pray for her recovery from pain and suffering through God's healing mercy. Quote (translated): "By myself I do not want to eat, but I'll eat for the Lord; by myself I do not want to live, but I'll live for the Lord." My mother left for Taiwan since Saturday to care for and pray alongside my grandmother. She recently posted a Youtube video petitioning for prayer support and of my grandmother praying and praising God:


Johnson Ho

Grandparent's coming-to-faith testimony:
Grandparents had no faith background.
My father (eldest son of four) was born.
Father as baby was sick, to the point of death.
Grandparents sought for sources of recovery.
Physician treatments of no avail.
Buddhist prayers of no avail.
Christian pastor prayed.
Father healed.
Grandparents believed on the Lord Jesus.

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