Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Second Semester OVER!

Second semester is over! Whoah, this semester has definitely been different from the first. The first semester was overwhelming, but this semester was even more overwhelming. The two classes that really hit me the most was my Marriage and Family Counseling course and Group Dynamics class. I've learned so much about myself in that class, did a whole bunch of self-reflection and I was just doing too much overanalyzing. I learned a lot about the patterns that went on in my family and how that had affected me from childhood until now. I learned about people.

"Hurt people hurt people" & "nobody does nothing for no reason" were some quotes that stuck out to me throughout the semester. Classes like these help me to really understand people. Most of all, I enjoyed the classes so much because the professors were professional and they loved what they taught, it was so evident through their lifestyles. These are professors I would love to continue to learn from and keep in touch with in the future. I must say, I'm really enjoying what I'm learning. God is good. And despite all the distractions that prevented me from studying in excellence this semester, God has much grace on me and blessed me with all As. I don't deserve it for sure, but God is good. I want to learn so much, I want to read so much, I want to absorb so much but I haven't even digested half the things I learned the past two semesters. I wish everyone was learning what I was learning!

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