Friday, March 15, 2013

Least of These

I'm always encouraged when people do little things to help others.

As I was walking towards the train to school with a coworker yesterday, she walked by this homeless man and said hi to him. She knew his name and she says hi to him all the time because she walks down the same block all the time. She'll offer him coffee every so often or share whatever she has on him. She also knows the name of the guy who sits in front of the deli we go to every day.

Every time I walk by these people, I always want to do something but the difference between other people and I is that I don't do it. And after a while, after seeing them a couple of times, I feel ashamed that I don't give them anything or even greet them that it's hard to even initiate a conversation.

Last night after class, I waiting with a classmate for her bus and my other half said that he was in burger  king. I ran to burger king because I wanted him to come out to meet my friend because I talk about both of them to each other time but they never met each other in person. Anyway, my other was buying a meal and he asked me if I could wait outside for a couple of minutes. I was confused because he didn't give me any more details. In turns out that he was buying the meal for the man who was going to be sleeping on the 7 train for the rest of the night. It broke his heart to hear that so he made conversation with him and bought him something to eat.

It melts my heart that there are people who care.

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