Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 11

1 John 5:13
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

Many people look at this and say this is not true. This "religion" everyone follows is false because I will only believe it if I see God. And eternal life? Please stop living in fantasy world. 

People always want to hear about the unusual and the spectacular. They want to hear about everything exciting and what's more exciting than hearing about the Truth, the word of God?
Yes, it seems like just a Bible filled with words written by dead people who proclaimed they were inspired by God. But in the Bible are amazing things that talk about everything for our lives, now that's unusual. Where in the world will we find a book like that, ever?

Jesus dying on the cross for us is even more spectacular. We will never again see a human being suffer and shed his blood for the sake of mankind. Now that's love. Excitement mixed with love? Even better.

Many think Christian life is boring, that Christians just pray and go to church and sing hymns. That may be true in some aspects but there's so much more to this walk then meets the eye and  some people just haven't seen it yet.

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