Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 7

1 John 5:16
If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life.

When I first read this verse I was SO confused. What does that mean? There is such thing as sin that does not lead to death. And they should be prayed for? I did not get what that meant.

Then I read on and it said, "All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death."

So what sin is it? Does that mean some sin is better than others? A little baffled here.

From reading a couple of things, the answer one would give is 

Sin that does not lead to death is sin that is within our inborn nature. Sin that can never be removed but we can pray about it so that we would stay away from anything sinful in our being.

Sin that leads to death is sin that is almost intentional. For example, stealing, adultery, lying, etc. These things can be controlled and we will be punished for any of our wrongdoings because these things we are able to stop.

Hm, that is so true. Let's say I have a bad thought in my head about murdering something, I'm able to pray for God to let me love the person and try with His strength to help me do something about it. After all, it's in my inborn nature to want to take revenge and do something not worthwhile, but if I actually committed the act of murdering somebody then that leads to punishment which leads to death.

Hm, I sort of kind of understand it a little more now. Hopefully I'll understand more about it as I read on.

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